It’s definitely an industry wide thing happening right now + some brands not wanting to spend much on Ads right now cause we are in a recession.

Glad content is going good for you on the marketing end tho!

I got a few things that came this week which I’m excited about so I’m hoping Q4 would pick things back up but in the meantime I’m going to try and watch more tutorials and see what I can learn to elevate my style and tap into new graphic design elements like type, shapes etc.

All in all some

People have it worse right now so I’m grateful that even in these slow times, I’m still able to have food on my table and my lights on. Some others aren’t so lucky. Some of my friends lost their 9-5 cause their agency was downsizing.

This just reminds me that in the busy months, try to save for month like these cause it’s not a matter of if they come but WHEN.

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Loved reading this - thanks as always!

Music industry seems as busy as ever as we're getting ready for a the busy fall season. Lots of rebrandings and creative direction work ✨

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Yea I’ve been feeling the freelance slow down too. I put out a post looking for work and engagement with it was much higher than a normal post, but still returned very little interest.

Freelance will still always be a better experience for my family and my ADHD brain haha. Just got to find those pockets and get creative in where to find money.

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This week's letter is exactly what I needed to read. The work is definitely being slower and I got slightly stressed about it. Thank you for sharing things like this. I am pretty sure everyone gets overwhelmed with too much work but then we start to doubt ourselves when there is little to no work being done. Hope what's coming next is gonna be better.

I'd still pick working as a freelancer over corporate culture any day because as you stated when working in a company there is no room for lazy days and existential dread (which Im pretty sure all designers need).

Thanks again for sharing this and hope your day is going well.

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Its really tough being a designer in South Africa during these times. We're on the same boat, bud :(

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Good stuff here man... from my side, working at an agency all I can see is the negatives you were talking about in the first part- no creative energy to pursue personal projects, long hours (plus 2.5 hours daily commute) and always fantasizing about having more control of my time.

I know the grass is always greener and it's nice that you reminded me of that today. Love to see that the marketing and content opportunities are opening up for you Jesse. You provide value to others and this is a reflection of that.... not something to feel any shame about

Cheers Jesse. Thank you.

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Hi Andy and Jesse. I agree with what I've read, and from my point of view the agency life was killing both my creativity and personal life. Just the fact that someone decides when I'm good enough to be paid more, it's enough for me to feel caged. I don't like to define myself just as a graphic designer, because I express my creativity in many ways and once we're hired, we're hired to do ONE thing usually and to do that 8 hours a day, every working day. I've quit my office life 8 months ago and I've started freelancing with two clients, I've seen better days and I have 80 cent left in my account other than my savings that aren't much. It's true that the grass is always greener and going back to the office life, only the thought of it gives me PTSD.

I would love to collaborate with other designers and create a cool project, something that people can really tune with and feel, create some sort of 'crew' of designers. Working from home is very isolating and I don't know many designers! Hit me up on Instagram if you'd like to plan some collaboration together @om_ono

Cheers guys keep going, freelance life is freedom and happiness 🏵️

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