Hey Friends
This week has been busy as fuck, a mix of client projects, doctor appointments, and squeezing out just enough time to record a new YouTube video.
I haven’t seen a doctor since before Covid
To some of you that may sound insane or a shock and to others like me that is probably your norm. Living the freelancer lifestyle isn’t as glamorous as it sounds sometimes. The reason I have been skipping out on the doctor is that your boy hasn’t had insurance for 3 years lol.
Starting off in 2023 though I put my adult pants on and decided to get Insured. The United States health insurance system is a fucking scam and it cost way too much every month but you know what costs more.. LITERALLY GETTING HURT OR SICK AT ALL without health insurance.
So i guessssss you could say it’s worth it??
Anyway you’re probably thinking right about now
“wHaT DoEs ThIs HaVe To dO wItH dEsIgN jEsSE???”
Well, nothing really except the fact that my back has been hurting me from sitting at my computer all day. I haven’t done any of my blood work but the doctor said I was fine and healthy and the only thing I complained to him about is sitting for too long each day and feeling like a shriveled up shrimp
He basically said “well yeah your muscles are sore af for sitting 6-8 hours in a row”
So I have been trying to get up during the work day and stretch as well as trying my very very best to sit up straight (Why is it so hard)
Does designing all day fuck you back up? If anyone has any suggestions or tips for being more comfy at your desk let me know!
Other than that the whole doctor thing was fine I guess, he did tell me this weird comment though lol

The Bittersweet Reality of Logo Design
I think I chatted about this a bit in my last newsletter but Logo Design/Branding projects can be Brutal. When I was in college all I wanted to do was be a successful brand identity designer whether it be freelance or working at a cool studio.
Since then I have been fortunate enough to work on a bunch of cool logo projects and they are honestly rewarding (for the most part)
They pay super well compared to most niches in design
You get to take credit for creating an entire brand and it’s identity to the consumer or audience
It’s fine letting your artboard in illustrator go insane when iterating and iterating off of ideas.
That’s all fun, but the one thing that makes me never want to design a logo again at times is the dreaded REVISIONS.
Yes I know that revisions suck for any type of design project but when it comes to logo design it just stings a little extra because of the nature of designing a logo.
If the client doesn’t like the logo or options it is almost never as simple as just changing a typeface, color or a tiny element in the design it usually leaves you stuck basically doing an entire overhaul and delivering new logos.
Don’t get me wrong I am grateful to be in the position to work on these projects but the one I’m on currently just got me hit with the biggest revisions.
I am going to finish strong and do my best to create good design while still meeting the client’s interesting needs but shit, I might be taking a break from logo designs for a while.
That being said, being a full-time freelance designer is the most rewarding jobs I have ever had, but doesn’t mean I don’t feel like complaining here and there.
Real World Shit
I went to the homie Dewey Saunders art show on Friday and it was honestly a great experience. Sometimes, working online all day and not interacting with dope creatives in the real world can become boring.

There was a ton of cool art there as well and free drinks so that was a plus. I def want to start doing more stuff like this and take advantage of the fact that I’m living in Los Angeles.

I think moving to LA a bit before Covid kinda fucked my brain up when it comes to going to more in-person events. It is rarely a regret and usually, I end up meeting some cool people.
Stuff to Check Out!
Bullet Train Movie
Tweet of the week below
Closing Thoughts
Get away from your desk when you have the time, worst case scenario you’ll at least get some fresh air.
Much Love, Glue.
Weekly Wrap Up
Redesigning My Fav Albums - Episode 01
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As someone who's spent £ on my setup as i usually spend 10hrs + in it most days:
1. Screen height - a simple one. Always have your screen/monitor heigh just above eye-level as that you're not haunched over.
2. VERTICAL MOUSE (Search it), way better than fancy touch ones - WARNING: once you convert to vertical mouse - you won't go back.
3. Make sure your elbows are back - this opens up your diaphram and puts your shoulders back naturally. Either sit right tucked in so you're not leaning on your desk - or buy a sliding shelf, thats low, so you can tuck your arms in.
4. (LET THERE BE) Light. The white of your screen should match the whiteness of your surroundings. Do not work in pitch black. No, those Tik-Tok gamer setups with neons don't work. Get adequate lighting, or a designated lamp that goes over your whole setup.
5. Have regularly breaks. Work intense for an hour or so. But always factor in a 5-15min walk about. Fun fact from somewhere: smokers tend to be able to deal with higher tolerances of stress than their non-smoking co-workers - regular breaks. (I can't find the source). I try to always to average 10k steps a day this years as one of my 'resolutions'.