Hey y’all
Still locked in over here at the glue studio trying to get a bunch of work done before traveling in September.
Whenever I am this deep in client projects I listen to soooo much music. It helps me get into that flow state and this past week got me thinking about just how important music actually is to my design process.
Plus when I’m deep in an editing or “content” phase I can barely listen to music cuz you want to play songs while editing lol
The synergy of my music and the graphic design process
Music has always been a big part of my creative process ever since I was in high school. I had way different taste back then but the sentiment was still the same.
This love for having music as kind of a soundtrack to my life and my graphic design practice followed me through college.
I would always skate around to campus listening to my fav stuff in my headphones and when it got time to do the work it was the same.
To be fair I noticed I listen to stuff a bit less when I’m in that raw concepting phase because I want the ideas to have full room to breathe, but when I’m deep in production music is essential.
I also think the best way to help you concentrate and really get you into that flow state when working is listening to music with over-the-ear headphones.
It helps you block out the outside world and let you live in your very own creative bubble.
The listening experience of music isn’t the only thing that inspires my graphic design work either. There is so much synergy there.
I love going to record stores and getting inspired by the amazing print design around me.
Creating album and cover art is also one of my favorite mediums to work on in the graphic design field.
My love for collecting and good design has also thrown me deep into the rabbit hole of buying vinyl records and cassette tapes.
When I’m really trying to lock in though my favorite thing to do is throw on a long mix (some sort of electronic music)
or a full-length vinyl record.
It helps the whole sound stay cohesive and time just flys by when you don’t have to go and switch tracks every 10 mins or so.
None of this is profound or groundbreaking news lol
just some thoughts I wanted to share as I take a break from my workflow and send some messages to you all.
With that being said below I wanted to share my favorite mixes on the internet I have been listening to and my 5 favorite records I own on vinyl at the moment.
5 Fav Records at the moment + Links
Much love and talk soon ✌️
Weekly Wrap Up
Life as a graphic designer & content creator (Q&A
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I'm very 'all or nothing' when it comes to music while designing. Sometimes it's the right weather and mood, but I'll otherwise be working in sterile silence. Either I'm really boring, or we're all just different 😅
I agree with the flow thing - sometimes I listen to a single song on loop for hours straight just to sort of hypnotise myself into flow and that becomes the theme song for the work, etc, it's great. I'm an illustrator and many of my ideas come directly from listening to specific songs and having a random image pop up in my mind from it.