Hey Y’all
Hope you are living well and enjoying the end of summer. I have been traveling a bit and finally back in the office/found some time to write.
Creator Camp x Switzerland
I remember still getting my first email from Chris back in February about Creator Camp, I honestly thought it was a scam.
Not only was it not, but it turned out to be one of the most rewarding investments of my entire life.
This community has brought me so much value in form of friendship, inspiration and business opportunities
I still feel like an imposter at times around these amazing talented creatives and this major event I just went to in Switzerland was the final boss of that feeling.
It fades though as you talk to some of your favorite people on the internet and they recognize you as well or at the very least compliment your work.
Everyone is a part of that community for a reason.
Hard work, creativity, and the ability to tell an artistic message through the Wild West of the internet.
The other week when I was in Switzerland was actually insane though. I have never seen such a beautiful place and been surrounded by such talented people.
Like these creators are LITERALLY people I watch all the time on my tv screen late at night.
Im honored to have been able to be in their community even if it was just for a short amount of time.
Oh Yeah, and we literally got to hear a talk from the legend Jack Conte.
Dude was so cool and he not only was there to give a speech he legit hung out the entire time.
It’s strange too how close I have gotten to a few of my homies I’ve seen 3 times this year at various camp events.
I think when you all do a similar career more or less it accelerates the bonding.
These friends I have had for less than a year feel like homies I’ve had for 2-3 years it’s pretty wild

I know I’m kind of all over the place with this write-up but it’s just difficult to put it all into words.
I’m still kind of in shock too. I had goals and dreams of making this whole creator side of my business work but I never thought I would be able to associate with the best storytellers on social media today.
It was such a dreamlike experience.
Beautiful People in a Beautiful Place
I’m happy I got to contribute a little bit of my own skills to this event too with a sweet water bottle design.
That is what creating shit is all about at the end of the day. Making things that you enjoy and hopefully others will too.
Long story short, I’m just so grateful that I put in the work the last 4 years to be able to do insane opportunities like these.
I’m pretty proud of myself these days and thankful for all of you who have helped me get to this point.
Keep on creating y’all and it can quite literally take you to places you would have never imagined.
Cool stuff to check out
Starting a new IG page for my Design Studio (Stuff coming soon)
Fav Design of the week below
Weekly Wrap Up
Designing Posters for a Hardcore Band
Design Recap
Thanks for reading!
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