Celebrating and Rechargin'
Hey Friends
Im writing this on Friday and tomorrow is my birthday, I guess as you are reading this though it would have been yesterday lol
Celebrating and Recharging
This past week has been a fucking tornado, so I might keep this one short for the sake of your boy's mental health. I have been so busy with client work that a lot of my personal work has fallen behind, which is kinda a good thing but at the same time, I have this inherent want to create designs for the sake of fun or posting online.
It's a double edge sword though cuz having the extra money is very helpful. This week I wrapped up a fun client project, finished editing a super fun video I'm excited to share with y'all in a few weeks, and also got bit by a fucking cat lol.
The cat bit was gnarly so I had to go to the doctor and now I'm just chilling out for a bit. That cat bite was the last straw for me needing to take it easy this weekend. So I'm celebrating my birthday with some friends tomorrow (Saturday) and gonna try to stay off the internet and whatnot.
I'll be back next week though with a more standard issue newsletter, much love y'all!
Sneak Peek
Been super busy with client stuff (hopefully that I can share soon) but had a few mins the other day to throw together this fun little collage.
Stuff I currently like and stuff I'm looking forward to!
Been playing a bunch of video games lately: Overwatch 2, 2k23, and Ghost of Tsushima
So close to 250 followers on Pinterest
Dope poster Heart.Wrk put together for the podcast!
Cool article on the history of Gifs or Gifs depednig how you say it
Tweet of the week below
Closing Thoughts
The average person only lives for 4,000 weeks, so make it worth it!
Much Love, Glue.
Weekly Wrap Up
How I get more done by working less
Podcast with Heart.wrk
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