Hey friends, how's it going? I hope you are doing well.
For all the homies who live out here in LA, I hope you're safe with the fire and everything. It's honestly crazy that fires have just become like a normal season out here because of the wind, dry air and lack of rain.
If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.
The past couple of weeks, I've been a little MIA in newsletters and content.
I was really trying to take time to reset and prioritize everything I want to do this upcoming year. In general, I just wanted to take off some time for the holidays.
I feel like I have a bad habit of running myself to the ground and not actually using the freedom I've earned for myself. So this past holiday season, I was happy to actually slow down.
It gave me time to take inventory of everything and figure out what I really want to focus on in 2025.
Right now, I'm mainly really excited about Cuesta Studio. Not only working on client design work and hopefully taking on more aspirational projects, but also creating my own products.
I used to have a streetwear clothing brand back in high school called Depravity. I would screen print t-shirts, hustle selling stuff at school and just try to express my artistic side through graphics.
I've always really wanted to kind of go back to my roots in that sense. I'm hoping with Cuesta Studio, I can release some products, zines, merch, designs, and more.
A lot of it has only been concepts so far, but I'm pretty happy with how it's coming out.
In real time though, as I'm writing this, I'm finishing up the first zine and a little sticker pack to include with it.
I'm really stoked for everyone to be able to get their hands on these. I did a little prototype, and it's looking pretty good.
Once I send these to my legit printer person, they can get released soon.
The idea of making a zine was really cool to me. It ties back to that DIY culture that I’m into and in a world of ever-evolving digital stuff, it's nice to invest in printed media.
I personally love having random little pieces of art and collectibles around my office and house and I just love supporting art and design from both he consumer and creator side.
If you're making anything dope of your own, please let me know and drop it in the comments. I'd love to check it out.
I'm not exactly sure what the timeline is on all this stuff, but just know it's coming soon. Stay tuned.
Other than this stuff with Cuesta Studio, I'm excited to get more intentional with my YouTube videos. I've been slowing down the pace of uploading, and I think it's been a lot healthier.
It lets me ruminate on ideas, focus on the videos I truly want to make, and create content you'll enjoy. Not just putting stuff out for the sake of getting content into the world.
I think I’ve finally earned the privilege of slowing down a bit. It feels weird, though. You work for so long in this hyper-grind mode, pumping stuff out every day, every week, or whatever cadence you set for yourself feels normal.
Slowing down and being more intentional feels strange but healthier. It's healthier for me as a person and better for the art itself.
Other than that, this year I'll probably just be pumping out some random design work.
I'll also likely post some short-form content, work with some cool brands, and continue my personal art and design practices.
I might even cook up another personal project series because I’ve been lacking on the personal work side. I definitely run into creative block when I don’t have a bigger thing to work towards.
When the possibilities feel endless, it can be paralyzing.
Anyway, that's pretty much it for me. I'd love to hear what you guys are working on or what goals you have for 2025?
Much love, and I'll catch you soon.
No design links today, but consider checking out ways to help LA with the fire or to get help if you are affected.
If you have more resources drop them in the comments, please
Fav Design of the week below
Weekly Wrap Up
My Favorite fonts for 2025
Design Recap

Thanks for reading!
I plan on keeping this newsletter free, but if you want to support, the best way is to share it with a friend :)
Cuesta looks sick - I love the dog eat dog world tee! I've always contemplated working on merch but never got around to it. I'm currently working on a lil zine/handmade paper booklet with detailed painted patterns, should be up soon @synasethi_
Hey Jesse! The Cuesta merch looks epic, I've always wanted to make a zine. I'm working as a freelance motion designer (I'm from a graphics background) and I've always loved your work. I'm working on a personal project that will be wrapping up next month. Making posters based on the Japanese calendar (micro-seasons). You can see them on my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackgdesign/